Recruitment consultant at work

Unbundled Recruitment Services

Unbundle your recruitment components and choose the service you need...when you need it.

Many organisations strategically review their talent acquisition model to achieve more with less. By unbundling components of the recruitment process, DFP’s Unbundled Recruitment Services can provide tailored solutions to help you achieve maximum value. 

We are able to tailor our processes and offer the full suite of unbundled services.  As many or as few of the individual tools and service elements can be utilised.

3 employees in boardroom meeting

Our Services

Scribing services

DFP specialises in scribing recruitment for the Australian public service. We provide a highly effective, streamlined scribing service that makes it easier for clients to continue with their business objectives. Our dedicated Scribe Managers manage a pool of professional Scribes and all aspects of our scribe program. 

Tailored recruitment support services

DFP Support Services provide customised recruitment solutions designed to achieve maximum value for clients. We work in partnership with you to enhance scalability, improve flexibility and support timely recruitment outcomes.

DFP Unbundled Recruitment Services 

Two employees reviewing a business proposal

Find out more about DFP Unbundled Recruitment Services

Contact us to learn more about DFP's Unbundled Recruitment Services.