DFP’s website is designed to be interactive and responsive to candidates and clients. Developed with candidate capture in mind, the DFP website has been installed with features that endeavour to attract candidate attention and engagement. All or a combination of these digital features can be utilised.
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Self registration- The ability to register is enabled in the same position throughout the entire website. It is simpler for candidates to use and DFP is able to track registrations. Our Consultants contact applicants within 3 days of their registration, who are screened and identified as to their suitability for further follow up.
Live chat- The inclusion of a fully integrated live chat facility enables real time contact with any visitor, at theirs or our instigation. We are able to respond to candidate queries regarding your roles and provide up-to-date information regarding their application.
Blog- Our website Blog offers the opportunity to present additional information promoting the benefits of working with you to prospective candidates.
Client video– Client profiles can be produced and incorporated into our website as videos providing candidates with relevant company information including the benefits of working with you.