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Assessment Centre Design

DFP can assist you with your own Assessment Centre process if you choose to utilise our Assessment Centre design expertise.

Assessment Centre design begins with a complete picture of the role, one where you identify the required competencies and skills of the position.

A job analysis is initially conducted to identify core competencies, knowledge, skills and abilities to develop an understanding of performance expectations of the role.  It may also involve the following activities:

  • Reviewing job responsibilities of your current employees

  • Undertaking research and viewing job descriptions of similar jobs within your organisation and/or other companies

  • Analysing work duties, tasks and responsibilities that need to be accomplished by the employee filling the position

  • Identification of the most important outcomes or contributions needed from the position.

The job analysis provides specific information to ensure effective performance in the job and forms the basis of the position description.

Developing a comprehensive position description includes consideration of how critical the role is, the characteristics you are looking for in a new employee and how the job relates to others.

The above process enables us to develop a blueprint of the role and your organisation.  Additionally, it shapes the framework for the subsequent design or selection and customisation of the assessment tools, behavioural interviews and job simulation exercises that form the basis of the Assessment Centre.