R U OK? day – A little effort can make a big difference
R U OK? day – A little effort can make a big difference
You wake up in the morning and turn the alarm off on your phone. You check for any messages, notifications and content that you find interesting on your commute to work. Depending on the type of job you have, you will more than likely sit in front of a screen for a large chunk of the day and get glued back to your phone at the end of the day.
With the use of mobile devices continuing to increase exponentially, it’s quite possible to go through a day without having any meaningful conversations with anyone. While so much has changed and advanced society in the digital age, the disconnect in human communication also continues to grow. It is another reason why R U OK? day is so important. If there was ever a time when we needed to be reminded about the importance of conversing with each other, face to face, it is now!
We can all make a difference to anyone who’s struggling by having conversations about life up’s and down’s. If you feel like someone is not their usual self, take the time to ask them how they’re doing. You don’t have to be an expert to have a caring, meaningful conversation, just listen without judgement, be encouraging and caring.

DFP staff got together for a few minutes on R U OK? day to raise awareness, check in with their workmates and chat about things that they might find challenging at the moment. We encourage everyone to take the time to utter 3 simple words and make a big difference.