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How to prevent a workplace well-being program from failing

How to prevent a workplace well-being program from failing

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How to prevent a workplace well-being program from failing

​With a growing emphasis on employee well-being in the workplace, HR  departments are expected to design and deliver a workplace well-being strategy. Here’s the final part of the list put together by the Global Corporate Challenge (GCC), on mistakes organisations are making with regard to well-being strategy.

Read part 4 of Workplace well-being – 11 guaranteed ways to fail.

Mistake No.11: Letting feelings override facts

Workplace well-being is a nuanced blend of science and entertainment. It takes a good measure of entertainment to ensure that you are delivering an experience that connects with employees’ bodies and minds. It is not enough to just alter how they behave in the short term; the real, sustainable change arises from shifting how employees think and feel. Underneath the human angle, there must be a program that is clinically proven and anchored in science. Taking 10,000 steps a day might sound like a lot, especially for someone who is only taking 2000, but giving people the facts, however unpalatable, along with a program that can excite them and gently move them along the path towards health is the best and only responsible option.

Conclusion: workplace well-being only fails if you let it

If you can learn from the the 11 mistakes covered in the series, then your workplace well-being initiative will shift from being an unmeasurable expense that is rolled out in blind hope to an exciting program that breathes life into your people and justifies its existence with credible metrics that tie back into your organisation’s overall business strategy. When done the right way, your program can transform how people feel about themselves and help them develop a set of healthy habits and a sense of resilience. This is the greatest legacy an organisation can leave its employees – and one of the best things it can do for its bottom line.