5 steps to a stress-free job search
5 steps to a stress-free job search
“Looking for a job is a full time job in itself!” A phrase often heard from job seekers who have had a tough experience or those trying to be supportive of a job seeker and offering words of encouragement. While it may not be as comforting to someone who’s been searching for a job for weeks, it certainly rings true! The job search process can be time consuming, frustrating, rewarding, discouraging all at the same time. For some, it’s a roller coaster of emotions where the highs and lows can be a true test of character. While it’s difficult to control the external factors prevalent in the employment market, there are things you could do to minimise the anguish and stress and make it to the other end of the process with a job and your sanity intact.
1. Control the process
Conducting a good job search means actively controlling all job search stages and activities. You can keep control of details by being well organised and following a comprehensive and well structured job search plan. It means pursuing all job search methods answering ads, working with agencies, making direct contact, and networking all at the same time. It means not turning responsibility for your job search over to other people and not being discouraged by occasional disappointment or rejection.
2. Focus
Employers are looking for employees who have a clear direction and can easily articulate what they want to do. People who say they will accept any available job or who cannot express a clear job objective, are less likely to come across as productive employees.
3. Demonstrate motivation
Employers want to hire motivated employees: people who take charge of their own lives and do not wait passively to be led by others. Unmotivated people don’t care if they do a good job or not. Employers look for signs that prospective employees are doers, express interest, are enthusiastic about their work and determined to do their jobs well. You can show your motivation and enthusiasm in words, but also by your past work accomplishments, in your body language during interviews, and in your willingness to accept new challenges.
4. Stay Active
The length of time it takes you to find a new job will depend primarily on how actively you pursue all job search methods. The more active you are, the more time you spend on a planned, coordinated activity, the shorter your search will be. Maintaining a high volume of activity will also uncover a broader range of employment opportunities, giving you a better choice of jobs.
5. Take a break

You won’t be working everyday once you’re in a job, so it’s just as important to take a day or two off from your job search to re-energise. Spend time with family and friends and focus on other positive things in your life. Take time to be good to yourself by exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet. You will find that maintaining control over your physical stamina, self-confidence and emotional vitality are all necessary to help you move forward when you go through a major change.
So plan your work and work your plan!